VisionFive2上的Fedora 40

Thank you lzzhzh. I prefer not to waste time criticizing individuals. We all want to help improve the riscv hardware situation in our own different ways and our own different levels of capabilities and time. There is one exception to that: when individuals sweep the rug under our feet, then I start to criticize those individuals. You are fortunate to multi-boot on the VF2. I don’t do that. I wish there was a ventoy riscv multiboot for the visionfive 2. I believe it would be possible now and it would make it easier for everybody to try the different distros for the vf2 more quickly.


原则上说,这种工业环境下的系统,能选择的无非 debian/ubuntu/fedora 。
其实如果你不追求 GPU 的功能支持,作为一个 cli 的中端控制器,现在的上游操作系统都可以用。只需要自己用 starfive 的官方内核编一个启动用的内核就行了。

现在 img 的 GPU 貌似好几家都选择了。但是目前这个状态,我怀疑可能后续企业会踢掉 img 另选其他方案。印象里现在国产有两个企业做嵌入式,好像有一家有个 8W 的 GPU 芯片方案。如果这两家没有 IP 能快速提供的话,我觉得后期 SBC 产品可能要选择独立 GPU 芯片方案了。
现在还一个曲线方案,就是放弃内置 GPU ,转而提供一个 PCI-E 。外接 AMD/Intel 的显卡。新的内核已经并入了 Intel 显卡的支持,之前也已经并入的 AMD 需要的 FPU 支持,其实现在部分企业可以选择不提供 GPU 。不过这样 RISC-V 等于是要让开 ARM 的入门产品线,和 x86 的入门级产品线竞争。竞争优势不是很明显。不过如果是针对 AI 计算的产品,不提供 GPU 其实说得过去,本身 AI 算力靠的是内部的 NPU 等等东西提供。


Don’t forget to change the dip switch settings to uart mode to flash to the sbc.

The exact steps I took to install the fedora image to nvme are here:

You’re going to power off once after flashing.

Afterward, change the dip switch settings back. This is important.

Then power on.
press escape or cursor arrow keys until you enter the u-boot shell.
The following fixes the environment within the sbc:

env default -a -f; env save

Then power off.

Then power back on and it should boot directly to the nvme.

REMEMBER there is no sdcard ever in the sdcard slot during all this.