VisionFive2上的Fedora 40


我之前以为Fedora for VisionFive2 的适配,停留在几年前的37版本,前几天在Fedora下载服务器文件目录里瞎逛时,却发现Fedora还在为VisionFive2做更新,最新版本是Fedora40, 2024.8.26更新的。
2、下载、解压、烧录TF卡,VF2启动开关选择QSPI和SD, 都没能成功启动Fedora 40。
4、我对U-Boot不熟,不敢把VF2官方的U-Boot更换掉,所有就放弃继续测试Fedora 40 for VisionFive2; 而且从镜像包文件名Rawhide_server猜测,大概服务器版是没有HDMI输出的。

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如果你真的懂 Linux 。其实根本不需要 Fedora 提供的 raw 文件就能自己安装启动 fedora 40 了。

哦对了,如果你和我一样正在 port 一个不支持 riscv 的操作系统,你可以看看 获取源代码。另外其实 github 上面也有个项目里面有源代码,但是我发现这两个地方比起来,这边更全。
koji 地址在 Build System Info | Fedora RISC-V ,如果你知道这是什么。


“如果你真的懂 Linux 。”


是不是只要不去实践“直接从RPM安装一个全新的操作系统”所以你就“只能去使用 raw 文件安装操作系统”?


如果不是你在不停的误导他人,混淆问题,我用得着理你么? :face_exhaling:

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官方 VF2 镜像,启动不起来就进不去系统。
甚至 uboot 替换都不敢,或者说其实是连 VF2 的启动流程自己都不清楚。

你还怎么装高手啊。 :sweat_smile:


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Changes are coming to the Fedora Project Build Pages especially for Riscv. I am unaware of all of them, but here is what I have noticed:

  • last image generated that is displayed on the koji build page resides here:
    Tasks | Fedora RISC-V
  • pay attention to the output section here. You can see the raw image and the logs for it. createAppliance (f40, Fedora-Minimal-40-20240502.n.0, fedora-riscv64-minimal-f40.ks, riscv64) | Task Info | Fedora RISC-V
  • fedora team are migrating to different hardware
  • fedora team are starting to use kiwi to build the new images. The kiwi-based raw images and their output logs are not displayed as appliance tasks in koji. I do hope we will see this after they finish migrating to the different hardware.
  • fedora team have changed compression tools from the xz tool Fedora-Minimal-40-20240502.n.0-sda.raw .xz to
    the zstd tool Fedora.riscv64-Rawhide_server_20240903.n.0.raw .zst

The latest fedora 40 image for the VF2 can boot from the nvme, display the grub menu allowing one to select a different kernel before entering in the the fedora os boot process.

How did I discover all this? There is a general forum for Fedora on Riscv that discusses bringing it up on all Riscv hardware and not just the starfive visionfive 2.

It’s on the matrix chat network:

The matrix room is called

There are many different matrix chat clients web-based and non-web-based.

I enjoy cinny web client which is very easy to use. You can reach the Fedora Riscv matrix room here: Cinny

ALSO for your information, there is another room discussing Archlinux on Riscv and there are many discussions about starfive visionfive 2 there as well.

The matrix room is called

You can reach the Archlinux Riscv matrix room here: Cinny


omac777,Thank you!!!
I link fedora,
I like ‘display the grub menu‘ ,
I like MultiBoot: Debian-2405 + Debian-trixie(unstable) + Fedora40 + Armbian + batocera .

I just don’t like answering Jiangtao9999, He’s a ‘lip service‘、‘boast‘、‘Mouth cannon‘

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Index of /kojifiles/repos is newest build result. (And there have a lot of things.)
You can choose the “lastest” as a default repo in “versions”.


Use those repos , You can build your self image of rootfs .
Fedora use dnf as a package manager . With “–installroot” , dnf can install a new rootfs into a directory. And there have a “–forcearch” , If you using x86. (but some packages need run some script in newroot, x86 can not run.)

So, If you want build a new Fedora image , you can do like that:

  1. Build a kernel , use starfive’s VF2 version.
  2. refdisk && format TF . mount TF card or nvme to a directory. you can use VF2’s debian Image to be a template .
  3. Use dnf --installroot to install base-packages. Which packages you can see: Index of /kojifiles/compose/rawhide/latest-Fedora-Rawhide/compose/Everything/riscv64/os/repodata which have a *-comps-Everything.riscv64.xml
  4. copy kernel and mods to TF/nvme directory as they should be.
  5. boot it.

Now , You can design your own Fedora. Not need to wait a image from upstream.
If you are succeeded make your own Fedora, you can simply create your own opensuse/ubuntu/arch/gentoo…

PS: You can use some tools like qemu-nbd to mount images whitout write to devices.


呵呵。我都写了怎么拿到最新的 RPM ,还有一个简单的说明,如何做一个操作系统的 rootfs 。

而是应该赶紧去自己做一个 Fedora 的最新 raw 镜像文件来体现你有水平。而不是不停的在这里通过让我闭嘴,来突出你才是最有知识的哪个人。

PS: grub 和 mulitboot 我可都没说什么哦。我甚至都没有想,你到底是怎么实现了的多启动的。
因为如果真的会多启动(而不是动下 QSPI 开关,或者换 TF 卡这种伪多启动),我实在是想不出来为什么还要关注别人的 image 发布情况。


我看了眼中文版的论坛。反正是没见到你发自己封装的 Fedora 镜像文件的发补贴。

反正我先告诉你,我是以前 maigc linux 的作者之一。



给你这么长时间,你都没搞明白怎么自己做 rootfs 和 image ? :face_exhaling:

就这水平,你确实不敢让我观看、评论。 :sweat_smile:


目前各大发行版GPU还是用不了的状态吧?毕竟驱动还没合并。而starfive 的魔改debian 基本就告别production ,一下apt-get upgrade 都要挂。这其实是非常严重的问题,因为无法依靠Debian的更新来修复CVE。vf2还是任重而道远。starfive 应该是以为把一个差不多能用的系统跑起来就成功了,但其实还差的很远。要么自己把系统做到raspbian 那样成熟,要么早早开始合并主线,仰赖主流发行版,就可以省太多事了。目前vf2还只能作为给开发者适配riscv 的试验品,远未达到raspberry pi 的水平。我买回来也基本上是用来系统级debug用了,而没有作为日常使用。我是非常好奇DeepComputing 要推出的JH7110 的主板要用哪个发行版,希望它不要就没下文了。我也好看看它选择如何解套

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不好意思,你来错地方了,这里已经被人弄成战场了。所以你的问题在这里我就不回答你了,如果你有空闲时间可以去看这里,我们日常用工程版和archlinux已经大半年, 这大半年,我在论坛里写里很多vf2的应用,有兴趣你也可以找来看看。