Hey, I write for Hackaday.com, and we occasionally do reviews for hardware gadgets like this one. (See my review of the Turing Pi 2 ) I also do some occasional development work on OpenWrt. With the dual Ethernet ports on the VisionFive 2, I hope to do some work on porting OpenWrt to this platform.
I’ve backed on Kickstarter, but I’m curious if there are any engineering samples available to get out in front of things for a review and some OpenWrt work.
Thank you for your support and interests. Currently VisionFive 2 samples are not available yet. We will let you know if we have preemptive experience event.
Hi JP,
One of the RVspace Chinese community developers has created an OpenWRT image for trial. Just FYI, in case you are interested to have a try. You can use Google translator to view the following post.