I just got my VisionFive 2 today, and in a couple hours I got Java running on it. Here’s all my steps to do it:
Unpack VF2. Plug in ethernet to the left jack (the right one doesn’t work for some reason)
Load sdcard.img from SF GitHub on to an SD card and boot up the VF2 with it.
Wait for it to connect to the network and then SSH into the VF2 with “root@ip-address” and use the password “starfive”
Download the two files from SF GitHub for SBI and U-boot.
Use SCP to transfer the files over (there is no SFTP or FTP on sdcard.img) like “scp my-user@ip-address:my-file my-file”
Use the commands listed in the flashcp section of the QSG to load up the files onto the flash
Shutdown the VF2 with “shutdown now” and take out the SD card
Load Debian Image 69 Minimal onto the SD card
Boot the VF2 again and log in with SSH with “ssh user@ip-address” and password “starfive”
The default user is not in the sudoers file and the PATH is broken. Fix the sudo problem by doing “su” then do “/usr/sbin/usermod -aG sudo user” then “/sbin/visudo” and add the line “user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL” at the bottom.
The default partition size does not fill up the card. Fix this with “sudo /sbin/resize2fs /dev/mmcblk1p3”
Reboot with “sudo systemctl reboot”
Run “sudo apt update” and “sudo apt upgrade” to install the latest software.
For Java, I downloaded a special build of Java JIT because it is not available in Debian yet.