Hello everybody! I’ve been using my VF2 headlessly (without graphics) with the supplied Debian installation. Some time ago I updated the userland to Debian sid. Works like a charm. I boot from a SD card, but my main fs is on nvme.
I would prefer to have a stock/upstream kernel too, as Linux 6.11 supposedly has most relevant drivers already upstreamed (at least the ones I need for running the RV headlessly).
Can anybody describe the best way to get my Debian installation to boot a newly compiled kernel and boot it? Will I need a serial USB adapter for this?
I tried “u-boot-update” without any changes to the configuration (just to check rebuilding the running configuration worked), but that stopped my VF2 from booting, I had to reflash my SD card, and it worked again.
Thank you! I already did most of this (except for the apt pin, I am risky and just tracking unstable), but: All the things you describe won’t install the upstream kernel, will they?
I’ve basically done this and still have
ralph@rv:~$ uname -a
Linux rv 6.6.20-starfive #41SF SMP Fri Sep 20 17:48:26 CST 2024 riscv64 GNU/Linux
You can build the kernel in debian with native compiler. Like a x86 native build. there have a lot of doc on internet .
But upstream kernel is not include VF2’s default config. you have to reconfigure the kernel yourself.
When got the vmlinux & kernel mods . You can add a new boot title in /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf . Do not need u-boot-update .