I was able to get this working, but with a lot of “buts”…
Would not boot off of SD with HDMI/Mouse. I got it booting off of SD while connected over UART. I’m not very familiar with this process, but I have this four wire type from adafruit, it would only seem to work when I included the power wire…which didn’t look like it was being used in the picture at the top of this post. I do have good USB-C power.
Networking didn’t seem to work. I have an ethernet cable plugged into the left port (next to HDMI) and it gives an amber light early on, then green later…but no DHCP.
The bootup process took forever, a good chunk of this was the networking getting stuck and failing to startup, but even beyond that things were very slow. Once I finally got to a login prompt, I typed root as the username, then waited >1min for the Password: prompt.
Thanks for getting this up, it was fun to dig in and start seeing things happening!