The world's first Windows application emulator running on RISCV platform released!

Wine-CE, The world’s first Windows application emulator running on RISCV platform, Base on Wine and Qemu, Running on RISCV and ARM Linux Platform.
It Base on Chimera Architecture. Only Translate PE File By Qemu user mode, and Qemu link libraries of wine(Host Architecture) and doing action which wine does.
WINE-CE:全球首款运行于RISCV64平台的Windows X64软件模拟器_哔哩哔哩_bilibili




gitlab: Wine-CE / Wine CE · GitLab
github: GitHub - fan-wenjie/wine-ce: mirror of
winehq: Fan WenJie / Wine CE · GitLab

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Very nice, could be very useful going forward.

There are a bunch of enthusiasts and hobbyists (like me) who rely on Wine to keep ancient code running for apps and devices which stopped development sometime in the Win’95 era. :slight_smile: so having something like this is one less barrier to me moving towards Risc-v

This is fantastic!

Could you provide information about chimera linux image for visionfive 2?

Does it support win32 or only win64? I had trouble creating a 32-bit wineprefix using the documented commands.

There are videos of it running Halo and other old games, so I’m assuming 32-bit is supported in some form.