Status of edk2/uefi on visionfive 2

Has any tried getting GitHub - starfive-tech/edk2 to work on their vf2?


I noticed it, but did not try it out. U-Boot works for me. But I would also glad to see if anyone had tried it.

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Uboot supports booting uefi binaries.
Ubuntu boots by running the grub efi binary and running a linux kernel as an efi binary.

Uboot supports the basic ebbr, while edk2 is a full reference uefi implementation

Yeah it works great for me, but i was wondering what extra uefi godies edk2 has (possibly gop?)

I am trying to PXE boot with EDK2 on VisionFive2 board.
There are support of PXE and TLS in EDK2 source for QEMU.

Is there a support of PXE in EDK2 for VisionFive2 ?