Just in case anyone’s wondering and is going through the same trouble as I am with a Visionfive V2 (1.1) board. Here’s a short guide on how to get a kernel booted on the little bugger.
I’ll assume you boot from TF which has a single partition formatted for u-boot to be able to read it.
Grab Starfives’s fork of Linux and switch to V2 branch, build and get files:
git clone GitHub - starfive-tech/linux && cd linux
git checkout JH7110_VisionFive2_devel
ARCH=riscv CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- make starfive_visionfive2_defconfig
ARCH=riscv CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-linux-gnu- make -j$(nproc)
cp arch/riscv/boot/Image.gz /media/sdcard/
cp arch/riscv/boot/dts/starfive/jh7110-visionfive-v2-A11.dtb /media/sdcard/
Upon boot, interrupt u-boot and feed it the following:
I’ve been cobbling this together from the SDK Quick Start guide and a bit of trial an error with various kernel images. I’ll be working with this for as long as I can’t get Grub to work stably again via bootefi. Btw, Grub itself works just fine via bootefi but it can’t boot anything on V2 just yet in my case.
I did not use git-lfs (before), so I ASSumed it was optional and I ended up with a bunch of files that were only couple of hundred bytes and contained text like the following:
$ cat soft_3rdpart/IMG_GPU/out/img-gpu-powervr-bin-1.17.6210866.tar.gz
version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
oid sha256:8ef5eba77c776e0d4444d819e12c64bfa8eee0ae2cdf90b6eb7a3a9df7bd7ef2
size 62412446
If you installed git-lfs and then run “git lfs fetch” or “git-lfs fetch” it will pull down the “large file storage” files from at a guess an external webserver (I have not looked into the exact details of how it works yet)!
The files in VisionFive2 repository that are currently stored as lfs files using git lfs module are:
My guess is that the git-lfs module is used because it reduces bandwidth hosting costs because people will end up with a single revision of large binary files (The very last revision, with no local copy of any previous revisions by default. “git lfs fetch --all” would pull down all current and previous revisions, really useful if you were migrating from one git provider to another.).