Run Stardew Valley on VisionFive 2

Stardew Valley runs at ~15fps on VisionFive 2 with box64 and gl4es. Lovely video shared by RVspace user Yang.
The following is a tutorial:

  1. Configure locales
sudo apt install locales
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
  1. Install box64,refer to
  2. Install gl4es
git clone
cd gl4es
mkdir build; cd build; cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo;
  1. Click to buy Stardew Valley,and install Linux
  2. chmod +x Downloads/
  3. Run BOX64_BASH=path/to/box64/tests/bash box64 Downloads/ a moment, you can see the interface of an installer, and it will be ready for installation. By default, it will be installed in ~/GOG Games/Stardew Valley directory.
  4. Go to the game folder and run:LD_LIBRARY_PATH=path/to/gl4es/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH box64 Stardew\ Valley
  5. Wait for about 3 minutes and you can see the game start. Creating and loading a new archive also takes a few minutes, just be patient and wait.

Click to view the demo video:可可爱爱,在RISC-V SBC VisionFive 2 昉·星光 2 上玩星露谷物语Stardew Valley_哔哩哔哩_bilibili


You can try the Stardew Valley versions at which are also very good