JTAG ports?

StarFive Official U-boot has been configured the JTAG port. Can be found here → u-boot/starfive_visionfive2.c at JH7110_VisionFive2_devel · starfive-tech/u-boot · GitHub
Corresponding to the 40pin header, as shown in the figure below

Using the jlink to connect the chip, can refer to J-Link RISC-V - SEGGER Wiki

int InitTarget(void) {
  // TDI -> TAP_#1 -> TAP_#0 -> TDO
  // TAP_#0 info:
  //   IRLen: 5
  //   TAPId: 0xDEB11001
  // TAP_#1 info:
  //   IRLen: 5
  //   TAPId: 0x20000913
  // Code to connect to TAP_#1
  JLINK_JTAG_DRPre  = 1;
  JLINK_JTAG_DRPost = 0;
  JLINK_JTAG_IRPre  = 5;
  JLINK_JTAG_IRPost = 0;
  JLINK_JTAG_IRLen  = 5;
  JLINK_JTAG_SetDeviceId(0, 0xDEB11001);
  JLINK_JTAG_SetDeviceId(1, 0x20000913);
  return 0;

Ozone with Jlink-v11 on tap1 like this: