I’m having problems trying to update U-boot. Initially I was unable to boot Fedora, but then I read This and attempted to update U-boot. However, when I follow the steps outlined in the official docs I get stuck at the minicom screen and cannot do anything. I fear the board came DOA…
It seems that uboot has not been updated successfully. You can try again. Please send the uboot file within 20s.
This is attempting to update U-boot. According to the docs:
- After the hardware connections mentioned above, power on the VisionFive and you will see the startup information as follows.
Figure - Example - Press any key as soon as it starts up to enter the upgrade menu. In this menu, you can only update u-boot.
I never see the ddr test, pressing a key does nothing and I never get to the menu for flash programming. I have even attempted recovering the firmware, but it didn’t do anything.
Thank you, I have tried that though.
Recover the firmware, UART cable needs to be connected to the debug serial port( Speed: 9600),which is in front of the BOOT MODE button. Press the BOOT MODE button while turning on VisionFive.
I tried that again, with the same results . Below is the completed recovery on linux.
And attempting to update U-boot
I have tried to manually access the recovery screen as described in the windows section of firmware recovery, but I don’t receive any output in the terminal window
First press and hold the BOOT MODE button, and then insert the type - C to power visionfive,Don’t forget to set the speed of debug serial port to 9600.
Unfortunately, I did that and still nothing besides the bootloader version.
what does the serial port output when you get and power up the board at first
Hi Micheal,
Had to create a new account temporarily until my original account can post again – reached the post limit for a new user’s first day.
It doesn’t give me anything besides the bootloader version.