Ok so after going through image-55 with the default firmware, I realized everybody will need to quickly upgrade their firmware to image-69. I upgraded the firmware with image-69-minimal using flashcp, then I shutdown, then I rewrote the full image-69 to the sdcard.
This is where I want to confirm I have the latest firmware and latest image.
Question #1 Are there any commands to verify what firmware is running?
Question #2 Are there any commands to verify what image is running?
Question #3 Have we got a central location status page somewhere holding the latest firmware/latest image/latest kernel that we can refer to verify what we’re running on the VF2 matches up?
When using the debian image, it seems we are frozen to a snapshot
We can’t use apt-get update/upgrade to install newer versions of packages.
So what are the next steps then?
As users where do we report bugs for the VF2 debian packages/kernel?
Where are the developers for this hanging out to discuss/inspect vf2 related code for packages?
Thank you for listening.