Does JH7110 have the V extension?

D1 doesn’t have V1.0; it has an unreleased and largely unsupported by industry toolchains 0.7.1 development snapshot of what was to become Vector 1.0. It also contains spec violations in places like PTE mapping, so it’s been a battle to get it mainstreamed in tool support. You can pull both specs and compare them tomsee if the differences matter to you, but they’re definitely binary incompatible. The core concepts match pretty well, but if you create. 0.7.1 Vector masterpiece for D1, expect work once the V 1.0 chips inevitably ship in quantity.

As I said, I know of no production chips shipping yet with Vector 1.0, but it’s supported by several FPGA streams and many simulators that let the compilers, OS, debugger, and related tools converge in support before they’re commercially available.

The gap between what’s announced by the chip industry and what you can actually buy seems to be large. It can be challenging to differentiate what’s on a web site and what an individual can actually buy in single quantities at reasonable prices.

Remember that JH 7110 is the first RISC-V design with 4 cores at 1.5Ghz (and a real GPU) that I can think of for under $100USD. It’ll help mainstream RISC-V and I really look forward to seeing Vision Five r2 and Star64 and likely other boards with it, but it’s still behind competing ARM parts for price/performance. That head start will keep the RISC-V designers busy for years.