Collection for all VisionFive 2 Compatible OS Updates (20240105)

OS Name/名称 OS Version/版本号 Contributors (not fully included)
UI Release Time/发布时间 VF2 image download URL/VF2镜像下载地址
AltLinux 20220422 AltLinux Official Russian 2023.4 Image: Guide: StarFive VisionFive v2 — ALT Linux Wiki
Arch Power Experimental Alex 2023.4 Image: Index of /riscv-images/starfive-visionfive-v2/
Archlinux Arch Linux riscv64 cwt 2023.12 cwt 20: Release cwt20 · cwt-vf2/archlinux-image-vf2 · GitHub
Alpine Linux Alpine edge mps console/no GUI 2023.9 Milan P. Stanić personal page
Guide:Milan P. Stanić personal page
postmarket Official postmarket 2023.9 StarFive VisionFive 2 (starfive-visionfive2) - postmarketOS
Armbian Armbian 23.8 Jammy Armbian Official XFCE desktop 2023.8 Image and guide: Vision Five 2 – Armbian
Chromium OS StarFive等 WIP TBD
Debian v3.9.3 StarFive 包括UI 2023.11 VisionFive 2 Debian Wiki - 202311 Release | RVspace
Deepin(UOS) V23 Alpha Deepin社区 dde desktop 2023.2
DietPi DietPi v8.23 DietPi 2023.10 Guide: v8.23 October 2023 - Docs
Image: Index of /downloads/images/testing
Fedora Fedora33 傅炜、StarFive等 2021.12 RISC-V 64 Image: Index of /pub/alt/risc-v/repo/fedora/37/latest/riscv64
FreeBSD robn No 2023.5 FreeBSD on StarFive VisionFive 2
OpenBSD 7.4 OpenBSD 2023.10 OpenBSD 7.4
Official Release: OpenBSD 7.4 released -- Oct 16, 2023
Gentoo Experimental andrew 2023.3 Experimental Image:
Guide: Experimental Gentoo Image
Official Image In progress:
Gentoo Safe CFLAGS: Safe CFLAGS - Gentoo wiki
Haiku Experimental x512 包括UI 2023.5 Guide: Progress on running Haiku on VisionFive 2 - OS - Haiku Community
Lubuntu 21.1 Houge 2022.3
Android android13-v1.0 Peter Yoon 2023.10 arv · GitHub

Android Open-Source Project for Vision Five 2
OpenHarmony 开放原子基金会,StarFive等 WIP TBD
OpenWRT Official wigyori 2023.9 Guide:
Compile and Install OpenWrt on VisionFive 2 - #2 by ThomasKorimort
应用指南|在VisionFive 2上编译和安装OpenWrt - #3 by Chloe
Pantavisor Official Pantavisor 2023.4 Guide+Image:
聚元PolyOS Official PolyOS Docker No UI 2023.3 Guide: build_portal环境搭建及使用 — 聚元PolyOS 在线文档 1.0.0 文档 Visionfive2的编译和使用 — 聚元PolyOS 在线文档 1.0.0 文档
RVOS教学Demo系统 LiuJiLan LiuJiLan 2023.6 Guide:教学Demo系统RVOS在VisionFive2上的移植 Original: GitHub - LiuJiLan/RVOS_On_VisionFive2: RVOS在VisionFive2开发板上的移植。
ROS Humble ROS 2 Humble robotech 2023.3 Only video demo: ROS 2 Humble on VisionFive 2
Slackware Experimental Slackware No 2023.7 Index of /slackware/slarm64-current
Ubuntu 23.10 Canonical Starfive 服务器版本,不包括UI 2023.10 Guide: RISC-V/StarFive VisionFive 2 - Ubuntu Wiki
优麒麟 麒麟软件 WIP TBD
xv6 (Based on UNIX) xv6 Michael Engel ( 2023.3 GitHub: GitHub - michaelengel/xv6-vf2: Port of the xv6 OS to the VisionFive 2 RISC V board
Multiplix Official Zachary Yedidia
Akshay Srivatsan
2023.8 GitHub - zyedidia/multiplix: An operating system kernel for RISC-V and AArch64 SBCs
OpenEuler 22.09 OpenEuler 2023.11 openEuler 23.09:openEuler下载 | 欧拉系统ISO镜像 | openEuler社区官网

Directory: /openeuler-sig-riscv/openEuler-RISC-V/unstable/openEuler-23.09-V1-riscv64/Visionfive2/

Booting openEuler for RISC-V Under the QEMU Environment
OpenKylin openKylin 2.0 alpha RISC-V OpenKylin 2023.12 Guide: openKylin开源操作系统
OpenSUSE Official OpenSUSE 2023.5 Image: Guide: openSUSE成功适配赛昉科技昉·星光 2(VisionFive 2)单板计算机 - 知乎
PPSSPP PPSSPP Official 1.16 PPSSPP community 2023.9 download: