Note: All information is collected from open resource. If you have any questions, please click on the link to contact the information publisher. Please pay attention to the VisionFive 2 image and documentation. The VisionFive image is only for reference and priority is given to displaying the official image. When there is no VisionFive 2 image, the VisionFive image can be used. Please give me feedback if there is any correction to be made.
Thank you for your info This list will be updated every two months.
Thank you for your valuable information. Is there anyone who is doing Zephyr kernel, especially SMP version, on VisionFive 2 board? Thanks,
The closest match of existing hardware, in terms of CPU (U74-mc), running Zephyr is the HiFive Unmatched board, that would probably be a good starting point if YOU were planning on adding support for the VF2.
There are always two options, when it comes to new boards:
- Wait for someone else to make something happen for you, and hope that they add all the features that you need/want.
- YOU make it happen, the exact way you need it to be.
You need to include the info whether a distro is GUI-based on server-only for now. Many of the distros in the list just give you a server functionality and have no desktop built-in at all.
Every three there is major release of Armbian which you managed to miss out:
minimal CLI
XFCE desktop
deepin system supports dde desktop environment