Object Detection by using Yolov3

hey everyone,

I’m totally newbie here. I’m trying to run the step demo codeGeneral Object Recognition based on YOLO-V3 Model but I keep encountering an error. When I enter the command it says “example_dnn_object_detection: error while loading shared libraries: libtbb.so.12: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory”. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
Thank you in advance!

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hey everyone,

I’m totally newbie here. I’m trying to run the step demo codeGeneral Object Recognition based on YOLO-V3 Model but I keep encountering an error. When I enter the command it says “example_dnn_object_detection: error while loading shared libraries: libtbb.so.12: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory”. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
Thank you in advance!

@Alex can you check if libtbb and libtbb-dev is installed? Assuming you’re running Debian you can search:

apt search libtbb

and then install it with

apt install libtbb libtbb-dev

Assuming this is the package name, adjust accordingly please.
An error like usually just means the library containing the shared object file is missing
See package information libtbb-dev in bookwom

after I follow your step, another error come out which is “example_dnn_object_detection: error while loading shared libraries: libgdcmMSFF.so.3.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory” how to solve this problem and why this happen? sorry Im beginner in this, I like to try object detection and I already follow step by step but still not work:(. can anyone explain about the manual. thank in advance

@Alex the reason why this is happening is because you’re missing the libraries to run this application. You do the exact same thing as before but with the libgdcm library and work yourself through the messages until you have all the dependencies down.
Good thing is once you have all of them installed you don’t have to worry about it again :grin:

@Alex I do wonder did you follow the setup guide completely? I’ve just checked in the link and there is this chaper on how to prepare you Linux to run the examples:
Preparing Software