I cannot access the VisionFive V1 by ssh, not even in the local subnet/network. To compare, I do have ssh access to a RaspPi on same router to which the V1 is attached. So it is not a router or network problem.
I have compared the sshd.config files of the RaspPi and the V1 and it seems that the file in /sshd_config.d/ directory (which is included/referenced in sshd.config) has the same settings as the RaspPi which I can access by ssh.
Logged in as root, I changed the settings in sshd_config.d/50-redhat.conf as per Solution 1 in this link by adding
PasswordAuthentication yes
but this did not allow me ssh access. The error message I get is always “Permission denied, please try again”.
If someone has had a successful ssh login to this machine, can they tell me if they had to change any settings, and what they were? Thanks very much.