Fedora on VisionFive does not store password change for user “risc” after power off completely. Is this my Linux ineptitude or an issue?
Exactly like you said,we will debug this issue,thank you!
Thank you very much for that confirmation. That is a particular shame because that means that the device if used connected externally to the internet presents a security risk if all user names and passwords are in the pubic domain as the default upon reboot when services are running. I suppose if I don’t switch the machine off, then all is well.
I simply created a new user, and deleted the default one.
I confirm that this was the solution. Thanks very much.
I think i hit same issue but with starfive-jh7110-202306-SD-minimal-desktop.img.
login with serial console and changing root password is well taken in account during session, when rebooting it is not only not persistent, but previous default password does not work anymore either.
My problem my be another issue, it might be related to date since i connect only in serial then date remains to “Thu Dec 22 11:48:47 UTC 2022”. If i create a new user it does not work either. I will investigate this later (vacations … ).