Experience VisionFive v2 day01: BOOTING FROM NVME

Does the Image starfive-jh7110-VF2-SD-wayland.img exist in your PWD? What’s the log about it?

So sorry, my friend, I’m not sure what the problem is. But you can “re-copy” the Image to your NVMe device and reboot your VF2 again :disappointed_relieved:.

This is great ! Now booting a standard debian sid image (with a recompiled starfive kernel) directly from ssd ! Thanks !

It would be much easier if you use the USB2NVMe convertor and the USB2Serial Convertor. But I afraid I have no free time to write the tutorial in detail. :rofl:

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for me it fails because I have Armbian on nvme
if you want to boot from nvme after it fails u-boot from flash

StarFive # run nvme_boot

my old fix of changing boot_targets and bootcmd_nvme0
will leave it unable to boot mmc but it directly boots nvme

there is something amiss, once flash is modified to use nvme_boot,
it will no longer boot from sdcard selected by switches ???

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usb boot is a more difficult pursuit.
supported with the most recent u-boot, but not the version in VisionFive


That overall worked for me except upgrading of the firmware. I used starfive-jh7110-202308-nvme-minimal-desktop.img and copied it to the ssd (with etcher) instead of dd-ing it. Upgrading the firmware using the bash-script is not working with this version. the flash-program (flashcp in the bash-script) is missing in that version. Had to apt it first: ```
apt install mtd-utils -y. I am not sure but i think upgrading the firmware was necessary to boot from ssd without sd-card plugged in.

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