Building two Linux images for VisionFive 2 using WSL on Windows

I’ve been learning how to build a Linux image and how to build a device driver in two different ways using my VisionFive 2 and a Windows PC running Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) on Windows 11.

I’ve written up this article, more of a compendium of notes than a polished article, of my experience. Several people here on this forum have helped me with questions and I thought they may be interested in seeing they helped me.

VisionFive 2 RISC-V - Building the Linux kernel - CodeProject

This is actually the second in a series of these articles. The first one is at the following URL.

Setting Up a New VisionFive 2 RISC-V SBC - CodeProject

I’m working on a third one exploring using a LAMP type of installation with Apache, Php, and PostgreSQL along with go-lang on the VisionFive 2.