Fedora 37 nspawn(chroot on steroids) on VF2

It may be possibly useful to use headless linux distros for stuff like NAS, but that wasn’t the spirit of my intention. I like Debian, but after having felt the experience of undergoing Fedora Silverblue on a few different machines alongside some Debian/ubuntu/Popos boxes over the past 6 years, I’m feeling the advantages of versioned filesystems and immutable parts of the os within fedora silverblue. I started somewhere around fc35 and enjoyed the transition of migrating from fc35 to fc36 painless and actually very short duration. It’s called a rebase. fc36 to fc37, then fc37 to fc38, fc38 to fc39 were all painless and of short duration.
The very same kinds of migrations using debian/ubuntu/popos dist-releases were a hell of a lot longer!!! at times with gpu drivers busting.

I like to have a desktop. The engineering release with a snapshot of debian is insufficient since it’s frozen in time. I do look forward to seeing the distro behave as usual on x86_64 with the ability to upgrade some packages if not all. I don’t mind if the kernel and some drivers are frozen.

I wish there would be a troubleshooting tool for existing installs of debian/archlinux, where it checks to see what mistakes users have done with the install and corrects them:
-boot/spi is wrong version. the tool would download/upgrade the respective partitions on the board and in storage
-the .dtb’s are wrong sha256sum values. the tool would download/upgrade the respective .dtb’s in the necessary locations in storage
-the gpu drivers are not installed. the tool would download/install the respective gpu drivers to their correct locations where the os will find and use them.
-the gpu drivers are not configured within gnome/lxde/lxqt/wayland. The tool would correctly configure gnome/lxde/lxqt/wayland for the appropriate gpu drivers and available monitor resolutions
-the desktop software is installed, but it’s not working. the tool would provide the opportunity to re-install all the required desktop software again and configure it correctly.

A desktop repair tool for the VF2 distros essentially. Debian and Archlinux could be the first two to have this kind of repair-desktop tool.

Thank you for listening.