Experimental debian sid image

The device originally supported Android by default, so www.acer.com, log a support ticket with Acer. But it is also 5 years old so the very last update would have been sometime in 2023.

You could bang your head against a lot of brick walls and compile your own android OS developer.android.com and applications. Installing it on the device would prove to be the most difficult part of the entire process (trusted boot - Google/Acer decides what OS can run on “your” hardware). And because you compiled your own OS you have the ability to remove or disable the default google spyware, so your device would not be granted access to the “google play store” for applications. You could probably point it to F-Droid for some open source applications. If you are a embedded systems software developer, LineageOS might be a better choice (It will not work by default for most hardware).

Another problem with installing your own custom Android OS would be all the binary blobs for your hardware not existing for a newer Android kernel, so you might loose the ability to use some hardware inside your device (e.g. WiFi, Bluetooth, speakers, microphone, touchscreen, MEMS accelerometers, camera, USB, battery, lcd, …).

You need to find somewhere on the internet where there is a high concentration of knowledge about your particular hardware and the Android OS or one of it’s forks. Here is opposite of where you need to look (On a site about RISC-V you are unlikely to find optimal support for ARM based hardware).

P.S. Kidnapping a preexisting thread that has nothing to do with your problem is seen as bad (it is basic netiquette to make a new thread for an unrelated subject). Re-purposing a thread that has not been posted to in ten months is something that a spam bot would do, it makes information harder to find. If you read the subject “Expermental debian sid image”, would you assume that was anything to help you with your problem.

I am so sorry sir for that and thank you for you replay

in case anyone is interested: i have created a newer version of my debian sid image at Release 240519-01 - experimental debian sid image for the starfive visionfive2 riscv64 sbc · hexdump0815/imagebuilder · GitHub - not much really changed (i even used the old kernel build from the last image) aside from that debian is supporting riscv64 meanwhile regularly in its rolling sid release, so there are no more special hacks and repositories required for it

as a nice side effect the image is built from newer and more packages (there is now a firefox in debian riscv64 etc.). the idea of this image is to have a mostly clean debian sid image, which can easily be updated via the normal apt commands etc. - the price for that is that all the fancy (and still often quite broken) parts like gpu support, booting from nvme etc. are simply left out: it is intended to run from an sd card and it uses the framebuffer for xorg without any gpu acceleration … as such it might be a good starting point for own experiments and moving on from there, building own kernels or software on it etc. …

in case you have other riscv64 devices around as well: if you look next to that image you’ll also find a similar image for the bananpi f3 and two basic alpine images for the milk-v duo 64mb and the sipeed m1s dock (which should work on the pine64 ox64 as well if the proper entry is choosen on boot) in other releases of that repo.

good luck and best wishes - hexdump