I’ve been really enjoying working through a series of experiments with the VisionFive 2 I purchased about a month ago and here is an article describing the latest.
I installed Apache with Php and PostgreSQL and put together a simple web site. Then I added an installation of the Mosquitto message broker with a test program. Then I tried out several compilers: Java, Golang, and Rust. The compiler experiments were to test installation and being able to write a simple data query program to use an SQL SELECT statement to pull a series of data records from a table in a PostgreSQL database and display them.
The others in the series are:
Hi @rickchambers
Hope you are still around here. I found your report here as I try to set up a server with VF2 as well. Installing apache2 was no problem but php gives me a lot of unmet dependencies as I reported elsewhere here. Your text sounds like you used only standard settings or did you refer to a special repository for php?
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I received an email when you posted. So it’s been a while however according to the document I wrote, it was just a simple sudo apt install php php-cli libapache2-mod-php however I did install apache2.
Can you provide a link to your post that contains a list of the unmet dependencies?
Hello, @astrorider . I saw your post about problems with php 8.2 on the Vision Five 2. Looking at the document I prepared, I was working with php 8.1.
A quick version check with php --version
showed PHP 8.1.12 (cli) (built: Nov 10 2022 07:28:34) (NTS) .
I suggest that you use that version of php.
thanks a lot, will try. BTW which version of Debian did you use?