I downloaded the sdcard image:
sha256sum starfive-jh7110-202405-SD-minimal-desktop-wayland.img.bz2
bunzip2 starfive-jh7110-202405-SD-minimal-desktop-wayland.img.bz2
dd bs=4M if=./starfive-jh7110-202405-SD-minimal-desktop-wayland.img of=/dev/sda status=progress conv=fdatasync
sdcard booted into the gnome desktop correctly
scp ./install_package_and_dependencies.sh user@
ssh user@
sudo bash
passwd user
to change the password -
cd /home/user/Downloads; chmod u+x ./install_package_and_dependencies.sh;././install_package_and_dependencies.sh
apt-get install btop neofetch
Ok after all that, I went into system monitor and checked out the memory at my disposal.
BUG REPORT it was indicating 4GB instead of 8GB.
I recall others resolving this issue long ago.
Here’s the link indicating there was a way to fix this:
Here’s the actual recipe:
I pasted the steps in case you can’t reach github.
If anyone still experience this type of bug even with updated softwares, this is what I was adviced to do when fixed mine:
1. Decompile your source dtb:
`cd /tmp; dtc -I dtb -O dts /sys/firmware/fdt -o vf2.dts` # on system booted up, or place path to your dtb in place of `/sys/firmware/fdt`. Ignore any warnings it produces. If `dtc` tool is not installed, try installing it: `apt install device-tree-compiler` or how dtc is named in your distro. Alternatively, `dtc` from Linux kernel tree also can be used (you have to run `make menuconfig` first to produce executable).
2. Edit vf2.dts: Find section which starts with `memory@4`. Your line of interest is `reg = <0x00 0x40000000 0x01 0x00>;` or `reg = <0x00 0x40000000 0x1 0x00>;`. You shall replace it with `reg = <0x00 0x40000000 0x02 0x00>;`. Notice `0x02` and not `0x01`.
3. Compile file back: `dtc -I dts -O dtb -o /boot/dtbs/starfive/vf2.dtb vf2.dts`. Again, if no errors and only warnings, you're good to go.
4. Boot with modified `vf2.dtb`: in U-Boot prompt you might want to `setenv fdtfile starfive/vf2.dtb` followed by `saveenv`. YMMV.
It worked fine for me this way.