@kira Thank you for the correction. Reading over the last few weeks, I got the impression that sometimes when a reference was made to eMMC, what was meant was the SD card. Looking over the procedure documentation again, it is clear that there is the building of the SD card image which is used as the basis for the other two types of media, eMMC and NVMe card.
For both the eMMC and the NVMe card, the storage device is a different name than what is used for the SD card so it needs to be modified before doing the image creation.
Interesting that the image I created using the eMMC procedure boots from the SD card so long as I do not modify the storage device name. I’m going to do the image creation again using only the SD card steps and see what happens.
I was wondering the purpose of the third step in the eMMC image creation which uses the spl_tool utility. This spl_tool README.md document mentions that it can be used to fix the “eMMC booting issue”.
From this post, it appears there have been problems booting from the eMMC, EMMC boot though spi flash?
One thing I’m wondering is what happens if I add an additional step into the Install applications section of the build documentation to pull some of the assets mentioned in Releases · starfive-tech/Debian · GitHub as I’m interesting in seeing what Chromium does.
I was also curious about the steps that used DEBIAN_FRONTEND= and found this post explaining what that is about, apt - DEBIAN_FRONTEND environment variable - Ask Ubuntu
More information about the DEBIAN_FRONTEND= directive:
- What is the DEBIAN_FRONTEND Environment Variable in Ubuntu? | DeviceTests
- https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/explain-debian_frontend-apt-get-variable-for-ubuntu-debian/
- debian - Is DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive redundant with apt-get -yqq? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange
- Debian: debian_frontend=noninteractive
I also just realized that in the Copy applications section of the Building the Debian Image from Scratch document, they are not pulling the applications from the latest 202310 build. The wget command should be using Release v0.10.0-engineering-release-wayland - 202310 · starfive-tech/Debian · GitHub rather than https://github.com/starfive-tech/Debian/releases/download/v0.9.0-engineering-release-wayland
And it looks like there is now a 202311 build available with camera support.